The new Petrobrás UN-ES headquarters will be built on an exceptional site within the urban context of Vitória. Morro do Barro Vermelho is, in itself, a landmark in the landscape. In addition, the area's rich vegetation makes it a veritable green island. The suggested project is based on the premise of making the most of these characteristics, integrating geography and construction in a symbiotic way, where one enhances the other. The proposed buildings are characterized by their horizontality, contrasting both with the verticality of Morro do Barro Vermelho and Morro da Gamela, and with the typical occupation of the neighbourhood with its isolated vertical towers. The occupation strategy and layout of the buildings on the land seeks to preserve areas with larger vegetation and minimize interference such as cuts and embankments. Construction was avoided on the lower levels in order to preserve the clear visual relation between the hill and the city. At the same time, when you reach the higher levels, you can see the Bay, Frade Island and the Passage Channel. This set of operations seeks to pay a kind of homage to the topography, which is so prominent in the spatiality of this city.
Nova Sede Petrobrás
Techinical facts
Vitória, ES | 2005
National Public Competition for Architecture Projects for the Petrobras Headquarters in Vitória ES - Awarded 2nd Place
H+F arquitetos
Eduardo Ferroni e Pablo Hereñú; Fernanda Costa Neiva, Álvaro Puntoni, Jonathan Davies, Maria Julia Herklotz
Edson Riva, Fabiana Cyon, João Sodré, Juliana Braga e Olívia Pereira (colaboradores)